- Basic pitchdeck
- The pitch deck should consist of 10-12 slides.
- This is the main deck for sharing with investors and stakeholders. Its purpose is to prompt investors to request a screening call. Each slide must be clear, and precise, and cover the key aspects of the future unicorn, as investors only have 10 seconds per slide.
- Extended pitchdeck
- The pitch deck should consist of 15-25 slides.
- This pitch deck is typically used for later-stage rounds, such as Series A+, with the goal of verifying previous progress and presenting the plan for future growth.
- Live pitchdeck
- The pitch deck should consist of 10-12 slides.
- The primary objective of this pitch deck is to impress the audience and tell an exceptional story. To achieve this, slides should contain fewer details and words, while also being integrated into a single cohesive narrative.
Overall, the key difference between these three pitch decks is their level of detail and focus. A basic pitch deck should be short and precise, while an extended one should be more in-depth and detailed. For live pitches, the deck should be concise and attention-grabbing.