- A startup blurb introduces your company to potential investors via cold email or warm intro. Its purpose is to provide enough information for investors to decide whether they want to learn more.
- The goal is to make investors feel FOMO and persuade them to invite you for a meeting, therefore a well-crafted company blurb can double your meeting conversion rate.
- Clear communication sets top startup founders apart. Your startup blurb showcases this skill to potential investors and can greatly contribute to your company's success.
- Keep your blurb short - less than 30 seconds to read. Investors see dozens of startups per day, so it’s crucial to focus on the core aspects: product, customers, traction, team, and funding.
- When writing a blurb, it's important to keep it simple so that anyone can understand it. Investors won't invest if they can't understand what you do. Avoid jargon and marketing language, and be clear and direct.
- Don't be afraid to try out different versions of your blurb and see what resonates with your audience. Continuously iterate and refine your messaging to ensure it's as effective as possible.